Prof. Dr. Seema Thakur
B.D.S., M.D.S. (Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry)
Profile Description
Dr Seema Thakur is Professor and Head, Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Himachal Pradesh Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla. She has completed her BDS and MDS (Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry) from a King George’s Medical University Lucknow.
She is a life member of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (ISPPD), Indian Society of Dental Traumatology(ISDT), Federation of Special Care Dentistry(FSCD) andIndian Society of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies. She has been actively treating the infants with cleft lip palate with Presurgical NasoalveolarMolding (PNAM) before primary cheiloplasty and her department is now one of the few centers in India benefitting the patients with this technique. She has been working on the modifications of this technique and has many published original articles and case reports on same to her credit. She has received ‘Best Paper Award’ for PNAM in ISPPD National Conference in 2016. She has conducted a Project on the outcomes of PNAM under ‘Research Grant Program’ funded by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Himachal Pradesh. She has been invited to deliver lectures and workshops on PNAM at various national and international platforms.
She is passionate about working with children with Special Health Care Needs. She along with her department regularly conduct oral health camps at various schools for Special Health Care Need children in Shimla. She has played an important role in setting up of a unit of ‘District Level Early Intervention Center’ for Special Health Care Need patients in the department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, GDC, Shimla, under National Health Mission. Here all such patients are provided free oral health treatment at the priority basis under Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram(RBSK).
She has more than 50 publications to her credit. She is in the Editorial Board of reputed International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. She has been recognized as ‘Distinguished Woman’ for the immense contribution in the field of Pediatric Dentistry on the occasion of ‘International Women’s Day’ on March 8th ,2020 by ISPPD.Has received ‘Proficiency Award’ from KGMU Lucknow in 2017. Her other areas of interest are Pediatric Dental Trauma, Pediatric Endodontics and Early Childhood Caries.